消防演练总结讲话:Where can find the musics that made by Beethoven,Bach,Tchalkovsky,Chopin and Mozart

来源:百度文库 编辑:查人人中国名人网 时间:2024/10/05 07:43:58
They are famous musician.Sorry for I can't put their chinese name.

你是在问贝多芬,巴赫,柴可夫斯基, 肖邦和莫扎特吧?看样子你不象是学音乐的,这么经典的名字都不知道怎么translate them into Chinese.呵呵......
有一个叫作星夜钢琴手的网站( http://piano.stedu.net/ ),是个免费的网站,还蛮不错的。只是需要注册才能下载。上面的钢琴作品很多,希望对你能有所帮助。 天津音乐学院的音乐资源库也挺不错的。( http://www.tjcm.edu.cn/yyzy/main.htm

Maybe you can download a software named "Kugoo", then you can find all kinds of music there freely.

You can use Baidu.

i don t know your mean